In Croatia, 37 cancer deaths every day: Following the example of the more successful, we are starting to change the system
The number of cancer patients in Croatia is increasing every year, and an additional increase is expected

More than 40% of women with suspected breast cancer turn to a private individual for help
According to statistics published on World Cancer Day, every fourth inhabitant of the European Union dies from

How has Sweden increased the survival of leukemia patients from 9 to 89%?
Croatia is the second worst country in the EU in terms of cancer mortality rates and that
Treatment Outcomes 2020/30
virtual conference
The importance of developing treatment guidelines for proper and timely diagnostics and treatment, a multidisciplinary approach to each diagnosis and the analysis of all available data are necessary to manage the healthcare system in a more efficient manner, achieve greater cost-effective value of healthcare, and ultimately, to achieve better outcomes for patients.
Treatment Outcomes 2020/30 virtual conference
The importance of developing treatment guidelines for proper and timely diagnostics and treatment, a multidisciplinary approach to each diagnosis and the analysis of all available data are necessary to manage the healthcare system in a more efficient manner, achieve greater cost-effective value of healthcare, and ultimately, to achieve better outcomes for patients.